Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Deleting the Meeting Requests Made by terminated users from all the roommailboxes

Run this script on Exchange server 2010. You could delete the meetings made by terminated users from all the room mailboxes. Ensure that you are running this script only for terminated users. Else script will not run.

Give the required input while running this script.


$recipient=[Microsoft.visualbasic.interaction]::inputbox("Enter the Recipient Name to delete the Meeting requests from all the room mailoxes","name","Sankar_M")

$mailid=[Microsoft.visualbasic.interaction]::inputbox(" Enter your mail id to create a foler called REPORT in your outlook in which you can find the deleted contents","name","")

if(get-recipient $recipient -warningaction:silentlycontinue)
[Microsoft.visualbasic.interaction]::msgbox("Recipient is Existing in Production. Ensure that You are running this program for Terminated User")

Write-host "Recipient is Existing in Production. Ensure that You are running this program for Terminated User"


[Microsoft.visualbasic.interaction]::msgbox("Hello, Please Wait Until the Program completes")

Write-Progress -Activity "Preparing" -Status "Retrieving Roommailbox list" -PercentComplete 0
$rooms=get-mailbox -recipienttypedetails roommailbox -resultsize unlimited -warningaction:silentlycontinue| where {$ -notlike "*test*"}


foreach($room in $rooms)



Write-Progress -Activity "Collecting mailbox details" -Status "Processing mailbox $i of $Count - $room" -PercentComplete $percentage

$room | search-mailbox -searchquery "kind:meetings from:$recipient" -targetmailbox $mailid -targetfolder "REPORT" -deletecontent -force